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Are you a babyboomer who has let their health and fitness slide?

Are you a babyboomer who has let their health and fitness slide?
Are you a babyboomer who has let their health and fitness slide?

Has your business or career  taken its toll on your health, relationships and life itself?

Have you lost your passion, purpose and direction?

You are not alone!

Once you hit mid-life and beyond you start to question many areas of your life.  What have I achieved?  What do I really want?  Is this it?

Health, finances, relationships are key areas many mid-lifers get concerned about.

This should be an exciting period of your life.  You’re older, hopefully wiser and supposedly more financially secure. You’d think by the time you reached midlife you’d know what you wanted, where you were heading and be more contented.

Instead many babyboomers  are ‘marking time’ and feel that every day is like ‘ground-hog’ day.  They feel lost, lacking direction and clarity.

What if you don’t make any changes to your life right now?  What will happen in the next 6-12 months? And what if you do make changes to your life right now?  What will happen in the next 6-12 months?

The Mid-life Mojo Questionnaire is designed to help you identify areas of your life that can be literally weighing you down and preventing you from reaching your full potential. Take the FREE  Mid-life Mojo Test today at


Kind regards, Lorraine Pirihi
The Babyboomer Coach / Business Mentor

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